The best thing about open source, and one of the reasons why I love the entire Linux ecosystem, is choice. With open source software you have the ability to choose what OS or software you run, how you run it, and what you can do with it. If you don’t like the decisions that have […]
Tag: Red Hat
In this post I wanted to demonstrate converting from one of the RHEL compatible Enterprise Linux distributions, like CentOS, Rocky Linux or Oracle Linux, to Red Hat Enterprise Linux. I’ll be demonstrating from an Oracle Linux server running in Proxmox, however these steps will work regardless of the RHEL compatible distribution you are starting from […]
Exploring OpenShift
OpenShift is Red Hat’s container orchestration platform built on top of Kubernetes. I love working with containers and Kubernetes, and as I’m also a big fan of Red Hat technologies I wanted to become more familiar with working with OpenShift. I’ve also been studying Red Hat’s Openshift training courses including OpenShift Developer and OpenShift Administrator, […]
Recently I’ve been working on an Ansible upgrade project that included building out an Ansible Automation Platform installation and upgrading legacy ansible code to modern standards. The ansible code that we were working with had been written mostly targeting Enterprise Linux versions 6 and 7 and was using pre ansible version 2.9 coding standards. The […]
Previously I discussed deploying Enterprise Linux in AWS which I demonstrated by using the AWS console. This is a common way to deploy servers to the cloud, however doing server deployments manually can create a situation where you’re stuck with static images that are difficult to replicate when your infrastructure grows. One of the benefits […]
Ansible is an open source, configuration management and automation tool sponsored by Red Hat. Ansible lets you define the state that your servers should be in using YAML and then proceeds to create that state over SSH. For example, the state might be that the Apache web server should be present and enabled. The great […]
Installing Enterprise Linux
In this post I’m going to demonstrate the installation of Enterprise Linux in a Virtual lab environment. I’ll be installing both Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9, because it’s the leading Enterprise Linux distribution, and CentOS Stream 9, because it’s the upstream community release of RHEL. The steps outlined here should be the same for all […]