System Administration

Converting from RHEL to AlmaLinux

The best thing about open source, and one of the reasons why I love the entire Linux ecosystem, is choice. With open source software you have the ability to choose what OS or software you run, how you run it, and what you can do with it. If you don’t like the decisions that have […]

System Administration

Building a Minecraft Server With Linux

I’ve recently built a Minecraft server in my homelab to give my kids something new to play with. All of my kids love playing Minecraft and we already have multiple copies on all of the different devices in the house. In this post I wanted to explain the steps to getting a Minecraft server running […]

System Administration WordPress

Installing WordPress Multisite on Linux

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems in the world estimated to be running over 40% of all websites. Its easy to use of use, has a massive theme and plugin ecosystem, and it’s super flexible for both personal websites and businesses. I’ve been using WordPress since the start of my career […]

System Administration

Installing Enterprise Linux

In this post I’m going to demonstrate the installation of Enterprise Linux in a Virtual lab environment. I’ll be installing both Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9, because it’s the leading Enterprise Linux distribution, and CentOS Stream 9, because it’s the upstream community release of RHEL. The steps outlined here should be the same for all […]